2021.07.30Tokyo +
Sightseeing Spots near YIEA ~Figure Shops in Akihabara~
We referred to Akihabara’s Gachagacha in the previous article. This time, we’ll show you another “treasure” that Akihabara boasts to the world, “Figu… [Read more]
2021.07.29Culture & Seasons
Do you know the word “ラジオ体操” (Radio Calisthenics)? This is broadcast on public NHK radio at 6:30 every morning. While listening to the radio, we can … [Read more]
2021.07.25Study Abroad Info
Study in Japan INFO -Insurance-
After the resident registration, students are required to apply for National Health Insurance. With your insurance card, you only have to pay 30 perc… [Read more]
2021.07.19Classes & Students
Today’s One Frame -Introductory Level-
Looking into the classroom of Introductory 2 class, I saw students learning “~ておきます”(to do something in advance). They practiced the grammar in pairs… [Read more]
2021.07.17Random Tidbits
Discovering Cool Japan -Pop Culture③-
Do you know that July 17th is the day of Manga? This time I will bring up ”Berserk”, a popular Japanese Manga series written and illustrated by Kenta… [Read more]
2021.07.13Random Tidbits
My ambition is to become a first-class chef!
This article is by a student whose dream is to become a chef. He wrote about how he spent time in this pandemic situation. It appears that he has a m… [Read more]
2021.07.10Random Tidbits
Popular food in Japan -Natto(納豆)-
Which Japanese dish do you like the best? I think that Natto(納豆) is the most popular one in Japan. This time I will bring it up as July 10th is “the … [Read more]
2021.07.08Alumni Intro & Activities
The Latest Update with YIEA Graduates -Working in Japan-
We interviewed a graduate working full-time in Japan now. TIAN XINCHANG (China) He graduated from YIEA Tokyo academy March 2018 and learned architec… [Read more]
2021.07.07Events & Activities
July 7th is Tanabata(七夕) festival in Japan. There is a legend that deities Orihime and Hikoboshi are allowed to meet only once a year, on July 7th. W… [Read more]
2021.07.05Culture & Seasons
【西瓜】Do you know how to pronounce this Kanji? ↓ ↓ ↓ The answer is【Suika】! Don’t you feel like eating cold fruits like watermelon in this hot season, … [Read more]