
HomeBlogStudy in Japan INFO~How to put out garbage~


Study in Japan INFO~How to put out garbage~

Study Abroad Info

“How to put out garbage” is often ranked in the most Japanese unfamiliar rules to foreigners.

This time I will show the rule briefly.

For example…


・Some municipalities require residents to use designated garbage bags. (You can buy ones at a convenience store or supermarket in the city)

・It is prohibited to put out the garbage at the night before the collection day.

・Plastic items must generally be separated from burnable garbage, but they must be put out with burnable garbage if the containers are stained with oil or sauce.


Not obeying the rules is a nuisance to the neighbors.

How to separate and put out garbage depends on each municipality. Check the website of your city and make sure what day of the week you can put out the garbage!