2023.01.11Classes & Students
Winter vacation is over, and today is the first day of the new term. In intermediate class, I had the following interactions with my students. ・How… [Read more]
2023.01.05Alumni Intro & Activities
I will start working at an IT company this coming April.
At the end of last year, a graduate HUANG ZHENXIANG visited us. He is now in the 4th grade of his university, and he will be employed by an IT compan… [Read more]
2023.01.04Culture & Seasons
Did you visit a shrine to make wishes for the new year? I visited a shrine covered with snow. I tried a paper fortune and drew “small fortune” May t… [Read more]
2022.12.21Culture & Seasons
Breathing fresh air in a large park
I visited Mizumoto park in Katsushika the other day to see beautiful autumn leaves of Metasequoia. There are lots of recommended nature spots in Tok… [Read more]
2022.12.16Classes & Students
Evacuation drills were conducted on the final day of this term. We evacuated to the nearest park from school together on the assumption that a huge e… [Read more]
2022.12.15Classes & Students
I will do a cancer research as a graduate student.
We have received a lot of good news from our students! This time we interviewed a student who would be admitted to a graduate school. Seminar 1Xia J… [Read more]
2022.12.14Culture & Seasons
「戦」 was selected Kanji of the Year 2022, referring to the following events. We have been terrified of the international conflicts throughout the yea… [Read more]
2022.12.06Alumni Intro & Activities
Becoming more like undergraduate and graduate students
TAN WEIMING (Left, Graduate school of Tokyo University of Science), and QIAN KUNPENG (middle, Aoyama Gakuin University) visited us the other day. Bot… [Read more]
2022.12.02Classes & Students
We welcomed new students from Nepal after a long time. Mr. LAMA ANJIT, who graduated 5 years ago, visited us to serve as an interpreter for the orien… [Read more]
2022.12.01Random Tidbits
We went on a date with Momotaro
-A unique experience in the countryside away from Tokyo- I visited Okayama with my friend during the previous vacation.We found a big peach and Momot… [Read more]